CS 347: Lab 25 – Homestretch
Dear students:
Welcome to lab. Your task today is to work on project 3. This task is mostly open-ended, but these things must be done to receive today’s lab credit:
- You must actively work on your project.
- Demonstrate what you have so far to a neighbor. Discuss your progress, your goals, and your frustrations.
- In the last 15 minutes of lab, demonstrate very briefly what you have completed to your instructor.
Remember that the project must be completed by the end of Thursday, December 9. You will receive one last invitation of peer reviews early on Friday and will have until Sunday to complete them. It is paramount that you complete these in a timely manner.
The next step of your learning is to complete the following tasks:
- Write your last blog post for the semester before Friday morning. Usually you read up and write on a technical topic. This week your task is different. Imagine that you are teaching CS 347 next fall. How would you design your version of the course? What would you have the students do? What helped you learn the material of this course and what do you think would help your students learn?
- Renew your Let’s Encrypt certificate if it will expire before the end of finals week.
- Keep working on project 3.
See you next time.